FREE 7 Days to Beating Imposter Challenge
Join the 7 days to beating imposter syndrome challenge where you will identify what your biggest hurdles are; while learning how to overcome what's really keeping you from reaching your goals.
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Beat Your Imposter Syndrome in 7 Days
Join the 7 days to beating imposter syndrome challenge where you will identify what your biggest hurdles are; while learning how to overcome what's really keeping you from reaching your goals.
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FREE 7 Days to Beating Imposter Challenge
Join Dr. Jessica Metcalfe for a 7 day challenge to boost your confidence and beat your imposter syndrome.
Sign up now and get:
- 7 challenges sent straight to your Inbox to help you overcome imposter syndrome
- Guidance in battling your inner gremlin
- Exercises to improve your self confidence
- Deep analysis identifying what's stopping you from growing
- Access to email community
Imposter syndrome is an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be.
Plain and simple: it's the feeling of self-doubt coupled with the feeling that you are going to be found out.
Are you curious if you experience it? Well, answer 'yes' or 'no' to these questions.
Do you call yourself a perfectionist?
Do you worry that people will find out that you're not as smart as they think you are
Do you think you don't really deserve success after your hard work?
Do you find it hard to accept compliments?
Do you explain away your successes? Saying things like "I was lucky," or "it wasn't that hard."
Do you overwork to the point of exhaustion?
Do you ever struggle at work because you feel like you're a fraud?
If you answered 'yes' to 2 or more, then, yup, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome.
Who is Dr. Jessica Metcalfe?

Dr. Jessica is a confidence coach on a mission to empower everyone’s inner voice. She, too, struggled with her own inner gremlin and how she spoke to herself, not realizing there was a different way. In this 7-day imposter syndrome challenge, she sends you daily videos to help spark your confidence once again, and let your true self shine through silencing your inner gremlin.
"Jessica has helped me to hone my delivery in realizing what I deserve and asking for it. She has helped me to set boundaries and be comfortable being uncomfortable. Had I not started working with Jessica, I would be a shell of a person. I was at my lowest low. There was no way further down. I would have stagnated in that pit."
Dr. Kimberly A. Williams
"What I truly adore about Jessica is her ability to show anyone how they can transform just like she did, in a way that is methodical, easy to understand and implement. Do not hesitate to reach out to this brilliant and generous human being"
Dr. A. Stern
"I was feeling completely burnt out, and at a loss for how I can progress into the future and achieve my goals both big and small. I am so glad I said yes to working with Jessica because I was able to gain a confidence within my work life and provide help to others without compromising my own needs in the process."
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