Speak Kindly, You're Listening Podcast - Episode 3: Evaluating Perfectionism and External Validation with Dr. Sarah Saska
Oct 27, 2022
Expecting perfection in all that we do, leaves no room for potential growth as our inner cheerleader gets stamped out when perfectionism is the main goal. This invites that nasty imposter syndrome to creep in, making us feel like we do not belong in the world we have worked so hard to create for ourselves. Discovering a way to prioritize you and your inner health needs to be the first step in your journey as you reach for your goals! Sarah Saska is with us today to share some wonderful insight on how prioritizing you and your needs will kick negativity to the curb, allowing yourself to reach your full potential.
Learn why prioritizing yourself can set you free with:
- The tools, mantras, and self help suggestions that actually work when you learn how to use them correctly
- Fostering your gremlin detector to notice imposter syndrome creeping in and how to stop it in it’s tracks
- Naming your inner gremlin to make it easier to separate it from your identity
- Taking care of your needs first before stepping into your new goal or dream
Connect with Sarah Saska:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsarahsaska/?hl=en
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