Speak Kindly, You're Listening Podcast - Episode 5: Being Gentle with Yourself with Hannah Rumsey
Nov 10, 2022
How do you propel your inner healing journey to slow down, give yourself grace, and listen to your body's signals telling you to take a moment before you hit total burnout?
Gain a new perspective on why your inner gremlin speaks the loudest to deal with those triggers and memories that have haunted you for a while.
This will help navigate quieting those voices in your head telling you that you aren’t good enough.
Today Dr Jessica Metcalfe speaks with Hannah Rumsey on how to reframe your outlook and shift the inner negative conversations you face!
“Being gentle with myself will make me strong” - Anonymous
Join us as we discover:
- How being gentle with yourself will help you move through this self worth journey
- How overanalyzing can lead to unrealistic expectations
- Tools to deal with the triggers that awaken your inner gremlin and push you closer to burnout
- How to choose to be gentle and allow yourself room to rest and grow
Connect with Hannah Rumsey
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Other ways to engage with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe:
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/dr-jessica-metcalfe-873b671b5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjessicametcalfe/