Speak Kindly, You're Listening Podcast - Episode 8: Embrace the Challenge to Self Discovery with Nazaneen Lauriault
Dec 01, 2022
Where do you start with your self discovery journey?
Accepting who you are and recognizing that you are the only one that is able to set you free, will slowly begin to change the view of your current circumstance.
Realizing that you have to accept where you are at and begin the process of change, to better love yourself, is a crucial step you need to take.
Today we are speaking with Nazaneen Laurault on how trusting the process of self love can look different for everyone.
In this episode you will learn:
- The key daily healthy habits for self care
- Where to start on your self discovery journey
- How to embrace the challenge to love yourself to survive the journey ahead
Ways to Connect with Nazaneen Lauriault:
50th Parallel PR:
Website: www.50thparallelpr.com/IG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/50thparallelpr/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/50thParallelPR
Thought Leadership:
Website: https://nazlauriault.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nazaneendizai/
Share your answers on the reflection question with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe:
Once you have discovered your answer, send a DM on Instagram or an email to [email protected]
Other ways to engage with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe:
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/dr-jessica-metcalfe-873b671b5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjessicametcalfe/