Speak Kindly, You're Listening Podcast - Season 2 Episode 1: How To Break Free From Being Stressed Out with Claire Booth
Apr 05, 2023
How do you stop striving and start thriving when you are relentlessly bombarded with negative thoughts? What do you do when negativity is the fuel driving you to find success?
The unkind voices that push you to try and prove your worth may look like they are helping you reach your goals. But what happens when you hit your breaking point?
In this episode, we are speaking with Claire Booth, author of “The Achiever Fever Cure: How I Learned to Stop Striving Myself Crazy”, Founder and Owner of Lux Insights, and burnout survivor, about differentiating between the inner voices telling you who you really are and who the inner gremlin is telling you to be.
Join us as we discuss:
- Tools to recognize and quiet the negative voices driving you to burnout
- Accepting that this self-love journey is going take time and allowing yourself grace for the transformation that needs to take place
- Building a support system will be the key that opens the lock!
- The freedom waiting for you once you step out and change how you allow your inner voices to speak to you!
Book Recommendation from this Episode:
No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz https://bookshop.org/p/books/no-bad-parts-healing-trauma-and-restoring-wholeness-with-the-internal-family-systems-model-richard-schwartz/16396062?ean=9781683646686
Ways to Connect with Claire Booth:
Check out Claire Booth’s Book “The Achiever Fever Cure: How I Learned to Stop Striving Myself Crazy” https://claireboothauthor.com/the-book/
Websites: https://claireboothauthor.com/ and https://luxinsights.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/claireboothauthor/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clairebooth
Get Cozy and Warm Your Soul with Jessica’s Tea Experience:
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Other ways to engage with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe:
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/dr-jessica-metcalfe-873b671b5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjessicametcalfe/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thealchemistdmd?lang=en