Impostor Phenomenon Coaching
Story Time
You’re about to give a presentation or start a procedure when your breathing becomes rapid, your heart starts to race, you begin to sweat and even a creeping sense of dread washes over you.
Your initial thought, “How am I the one doing this?” Your thoughts might even start to spiral, “I didn’t prepare enough,” or “there is someone better than me who should be doing this.”
Believe it or not: you’re not the only one who has experienced these thoughts, emotions and physical reactions.
Most of the time, the physiological response you experience gets chalked up to being nervous, but this is more than just nerves. You may not be aware but in these moments, you are questioning something even bigger than you thought.
Impostor Phenomenon Explained
What is it?
When you feel like an intellectual phony, when in fact you are accomplished.
What happens?
Minimize achievements, explain away successes, underestimate abilities.
When does it occur?
New goals, obstacles, challenges or when you approach a new stage in your life.
The 3-Part Dilemma
Impostor Phenomenon
When you don't believe that your own successes and accomplishments are a direct cause of your own skills and efforts.
The perceived notion of intellectual phoniness, when in fact you are truly educated, accomplished or credentialed.
Relentless striving for extremely high standards or unrealistic expectations which are created by self-invented pressure.
You may judge your self-worth on the ability to achieve. In doing so, you experience negative consequences like burnout.
Chronic fatigue, insomnia, anger, isolation, irritability, depression or physical symptoms like headaches and stomaches.
Burnout usually creeps in subtly nd over time, impacting you in your profession in a way that you almost don't even notice.
Who I Work With

Why a Coach?
An athlete needs a coach. A dentist needs a coach. A CEO needs a coach. Untangling thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviours can be challenging on your own.
You have held onto your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs for a long time. In doing so, your success story lost its confidence muscle.
The responsibility of a coach is to help analyze what's going on, teach you exercises, provide consistency with your training, offer guidance and show an alternative perspective.
A coach helps empower, encourage and motivate you so you too can see, feel and live your success story.
Coaching Packages

Discovery Call
30 mins, your first call, let's chat about what's going on and how coaching works.

Six Sessions
Time to work through your impostor thoughts and figure out what's going on.
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Still Confused About Coaching?
I get it. It may still be confusing. Self-doubt and fear of failure means being vulnerable. It's safe to say that being a high-achiever and being vulnerable don't go hand-in-hand. But what is evident, is burnout and exhaustion.
Let's start with your discovery call and see if I can help.
Schedule Discovery Call
Dr. Elizabeth Macchione, DDS
General Dentist, Co-founder @womentors_to